Wednesday, 15 August 2018

The story of Pokhran

The story of Pokhran :How India fooled CIA

Pokhran is a series of five nuclear underground tests that took in lone deserted area of Rajasthan. On May 13, 1998 it was decleared that now India is also a nuclear state.

On 13 May,1998 at 15:45 hour India secretly conducted a series of five underground nuclear bomb in Pokhran,Rajasthan. It was not the first time that India conducted any nuclear test (the first one was conducted in 1974 under the codename "Smilling Buddha" because on the same day it was buddh purnima)

Pokhran-II wa the name assigned to this operation. IT was named "Operation Shakti".In this operation there was a test of one fussion and four fission bombs. But it was not at all easy to conduct these five tests as there were many rivials who do not want that India became a nuclear state. So they asked CIA to keep an eye on India. 

For watching over India three satellites of US wrre always over pokhran. 
But India didn't loose his hope and planned to work when there was a black point(time between the changing of satellites). And in this manner they successfully completed their mission.

All this is dippicted in the film "Parmanu".
There were various personalities who performed this mission secretly and they are there in the picture. "A.P.J abdul kalam was also involved in this secret mission.


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